Sorry I haven't been online in a long time.
I gave my two twin beds to Cloppers and I got one of their bunk-bed sets.
:-) I sleep on the top, and I made the bottom into a hide-out. So I have
been reading or doing perler beads, or trying to figure out how to do the
latch-hook Laura gave me on the top bunk, and playing in my hide-out. Or I
play out-side. Plus I have school. So I don't get on the computer that
much. I will probably get on more during the winter, since there won't be
any mushrooms to pick, and pretend to make mushroom casserole or mushroom
All of my butterflies are headed for or are in Mexico :-)
Weather here is sometimes cold, and sometimes beautiful. It's not cold
enough to turn the heat on, but it probably will be pretty soon.
School is going good, I do most of it in books. Bible: Creation. Math:
Really difficult division. English: The art of listening for details,
History: The earth, Science: Nutrition and the human body.
Maybe I will post some pictures of my room when I get some. :-)